8am-9am | Arrival at Grand Hotel des Bains in Riccione

Car arrangement, accreditation, check-in and breakfast

TBA | Stop at TBA.

1pm | Arrival at Hotel Sans Souci in Gabicce Mare: end-of-the-event lunch


Standard€ 140€ 95
Prices include taxes/VAT. "Driver" refers to a 1 person on 1 car.

Registration fee includes:

  • registration
  • gadgets
  • colazione di benvenuto
  • lunch
  • photoshoot


Should a participant withdraw from the event, partial refund will be issued according to the following criteria, depending on the time of the cancellation to be sent via e-mail

  • More than 60 days before the event: 80% of the paid fee
  • From 50 to 40 days before the event: 60% of the paid fee
  • From 39 to 20 days before the event: 40% of the paid fee
  • From 19 to 10 days before the event: 20% of the paid fee
  • Less than 10 days before the event: no refund

(The sum will be refunded minus the transaction fees applied by the bank)

Should the event be cancelled by the Organization due to logistic issues or due to acts of force majeure, 100% of the paid fees will be refunded, regardless of the cancellation date.